An Easy-To-Use CRM To Take Control Of Your Customer Database

Track and optimize every interaction and opportunity with every contact for pre and post sales activity. Run your small business efficiently saving money and increasing sales and profits.
  • Convert leads
  • Capture vital data
  • Personalize a customer’s journey, 24/7

Make Your Customers The Center Of Your Universe

TruVISIBILITY’s CRM provides all the tools needed to squeeze every profit dollar out of your leads and past customers leading to a very efficient and successful small business. Customize your CRM to take proper control of your most valuable asset: Your customer database (leads and customers). Track every interaction and opportunity with every contact for pre and post sales activity. Schedule the appropriate followup with each lead to convert them at the highest rate possible. Build trust in your customer’s eyes by building an accurate and complete profile of their acitivities and needs.

Market The Right Message At The Right Time To The Right People

Easily create custom audiences to market to by setting up advanced customer segmentation rules. Since your CRM is fully integrated with MESSAGING, you can send out email or SMS blasts and drip campaigns as your leads come in and move through the typical customer lifecycle in your business. Mine the activity of your customers and discover sales opportunities based on their email interactions, website visits, chat sessions and sales history.

CRM Features That Every Successful Business Needs

  • AI-Powered Automated Lead Scoring
  • Data Record Completeness Scoring
  • Pipeline Reporting Of Entire Database
  • Task Creation, Assignment And Reporting
  • Simple Custom Field And Entity Creation
  • Real Time Dashboards and Reporting
  • Account Based Marketing Tools
  • Workflow Automations For Fields And Tags
  • Contact Importing / Exporting
  • Open API for Easy 3rd Party Integrations

A 365° View Of Your Customers

Document every interaction and activity of each lead and customer so you have the complete picture to use for marketing, sales, customer service and technical support. The TruVISIBILITY CRM can completely document the following activitities:
  • Lead Contact Info And Company Info
  • Marketing Source Attribution
  • Emails Messages Opened/Clicked
  • In-Person Meetings
  • Zoom/Video Chat Calls
  • SMS Texts Sent
  • Web Form Submissions
  • Subscriptions And Memberships
  • Web Pages Viewed
  • Live Chat Session Transcripts
  • Chatbot Session Transcripts
  • Support Tickets With Resolution
  • Sales Transaction History

The CRM Is The Center Of A Complete Solution

The CRM is the center of the easy-to-use complete Marketing Software Solution from TruVISIBILITY. Leads and customer activity that is initiated in any of the TruVISIBILITY Apps utilize the CRM as the core database application for all leads and customers. And this also means that those detailed records can be used to create dynamic and personalized experiences in Email, SMS, Landing Pages, Full Websites, Live Chat, Chatbots and Ecommerce.

Free to Start. Affordable as You Grow

Our digital marketing software suite is called TruVISIBILITY. Start using it to improve your online customer experience, lead generation, sales conversions and ongoing marketing communication. When you sign up for TruVISIBILITY today, you get full access to our entire digital marketing platform. This all-in-one suite offers all of the functionality listed below, and much more:
  • Messaging App: Email and SMS blasts, autoresponders, drip campaigns
  • Chat App: No-coding chatbots and live chat with live agent mobile apps
  • Sites App: High-Converting Landing Pages and Multiple-Page Websites including a Simply Powerful Blog Platform
  • Forms App:  Build interactive Web Forms to publish on your Website or Blog
  • Lead Management: Unified contacts/leads with upload/download across all Apps
  • Unlimited API usage
Simply put, you’ll be able to create high converting landing pages, beautiful websites, chatbots, live chat, and email with SMS marketing messaging capabilities to communicate with your market like the Fortune 500 giants.