How to Improve Your Email Delivery Rate

Learn how to correct and prevent issues with your email deliverability on TruVISIBILITY's Messaging app.

Kate Neuer
October 18, 2021

What Is Email Deliverability?

Deliverability is the rate at which emails are successfully sent to subscribers’ inboxes. If the deliverability rate is poor, it is likely that the emails that were meant to go to the inbox actually went to the spam folder. 


Emails also could have been blocked by the internet service provider, usually due to content in the email that may include “spammy” words or phrases. These suspicious words could also be used in the subject lines of your email campaigns.




Why Is it Important to Understand Email Deliverability?

Aside from your TruVISIBILITY account possibly being suspended, emails that cannot reach your subscribers’ inboxes will cause bad bounce rates and other complications to arise. 


If your email is ever marked as spam will eventually mean that your marketing messages are not getting seen by your audience. This, in turn, will have a poor effect on your business as a whole. You will likely have a negative ROI as well if you are spending a good amount of your marketing budget on email marketing. 


Common Email Delivery Problems

If you’ve tried to reach many contacts with your marketing email campaigns, for example, and find your send rate or open rate is unusually low, chances are good that you have run into a few of the most common problems. 


Even the best email messaging software can cause issues to block your sending. This can cause further issues that require more time to fix, like recovering your account. To prevent your account from being blocked, we’ll go over the common issues and solutions you can do in seconds on our TruVISIBILITY Messaging app. This will ensure a healthy reputation and prevent your account from being blocked.


Email Blast Issues

There are different types of emails you can send through our Messaging app. A regular email blast can be sent to an individual or multiple contacts. You’ll find that we’ll lightly go over email list segmentation best practices, which will apply to email blast issues as well as autoresponder and automation emails. Let’s go over the errors you may find for email blasts specifically. 

Sending Blocked

This status will appear when an email blast is not sent. Your account status will be suspended. To learn how to correct this issue, please check out the article Why Has My Account Been Paused. You can then free up your account to send emails again. This is an account issue that could have been initiated for a few possible reasons.

Unacceptable Status

If you receive a bad status, this means a contact is not suitable to receive your email blasts or has unsubscribed. One of a few reasons could be that the contact has hard-bounced. 


You can keep this contact if they agree to receive SMS messaging, but it is advised you remove this contact permanently from the contact list so you can ensure your emails are received by suitable contacts only.

Skipped Contacts

You may see that a contact did not receive an email blast message because it has a New, Pending, or Soft-Bounced status. This simply means this contact has yet to be verified, so it was skipped in the sending process of your email blast. 


There is no action you will need to take. Though the status seems alarming, this will resolve itself once the contact no longer has a New, Pending, or Soft-Bounced status.


If your email blast was rejected, this is caused by a technical issue. There are countless reasons for a technical issue. 


Though this rarely happens, if you come upon this complication, you can contact technical support to get your emails back up and sent in minutes. To contact technical support, please go to our support page where you can submit a ticket to receive help quickly. You can also search for similar issues on this page.

Invalid Contact

An invalid contact means that the contact was deleted when the email blast was sent. This is simply a reminder that one of your contacts was deleted by you or someone on your account due to a possible hard-bounce.


Poor Quality

An email blast may not send to a contact with poor quality, meaning the quality rate is below 0.7. 


The simple solution to this problem is to delete the contact from your contact list unless they agree to receive SMS messaging.

Blast Status Tracking

You can follow the success of your email blast by viewing the measurements of bounce rate, complaint rate, sending blocked, or rejected.


Over Bounce Rate

If you see that your email blast is over the bounce rate, this means your blast cannot send to one or more contacts. 


You will need to cancel all unset triggers. For solutions other than deleting hard-bouncing contacts, check out the article Why Has My Account Been Paused.

Over Complaint Rate

You will see this issue if your email blast has exceeded the complaint rate. Reasons for a poor complaint rate could be that your email message has been sent to spam folders of too many contact inboxes.


No matter the status of your contact, all unset triggers should be cancelled. Please refer to the support article Why Has My Account Been Paused to view other solutions, such as contact deletion.

Sending Blocked

When sending one of your blasts, it’s possible it may have been blocked due to at least one trigger being blocked. Either your account has a negative balance, or the number of emails quota has expired for the time period, or your account is paused.


You can view Why Has My Account Been Paused or contact support for help at You can prevent this issue from pausing your account by making sure your account never has a negative balance. We suggest checking your balance monthly.


An email blast may have been rejected, meaning it will not be sent due to a trigger failure. This is a technical issue that rarely occurs. If you come upon this problem, please contact technical support at

Autoresponder Issues

An email set up as an autoresponder is simply an email sent automatically to respond to a predefined trigger. It’s possible an autoresponder can have a bad status or be inactive. This means there could be a problem with the user’s account or trigger they’ve set up. To avoid this happening to you, we will go over a description of each possible issue.


Inactive Autoresponder

An inactive autoresponder means it has been marked as inactive, so responders are disabled. All you simply have to do is activate this autoresponder to send to contacts in the future.

Invalid Contact

If you see an invalid contact, it means this contact’s information has been deleted. It should not cause any issue with autoresponders sending to other contacts, so there is no need to take further action.

Bad Status

If an autoresponder or contact has a bad status, this means the contact has changed its own status to unavailable for receiving autoresponders. This could be due to unsubscribing. 


Since this contact wishes to no longer receive messages, you cannot take any further action.

Invalid Account

It’s possible an account no longer exists because it was deleted. Since you cannot send to an invalid account, no action needs to take place.

Low Balance

This status can be easily remedied if you show a $0 or negative balance. No emails will be sent in this case. To fix this issue, add a balance to satisfy the amount of emails you wish to send.

Sending Blocked

For autoresponders, you may see that sending from your account has been paused. If this does show up, please refer to  Why Has My Account Been Paused to discover possible solutions. Oftentimes, you can delete hard-bouncing contacts.

Over Emails Limit

You have a quota of emails you can send per period. Each period and email amount depends on the balance in your account. 


If the email quota has been reached or expired for the period, simply wait until the next period to resend this email.

Poor Quality

A contact may have poor quality if the contact is not verified by kickbox or the quality of the contact falls below 0.2.


Simply exclude this contact from your contact list. You may keep the contact if they agree to receive SMS messaging, but do not send autoresponders to this contact.


If an autoresponder is rejected, please refer to our support page and submit a ticket for personalized technical support with your account. 

Automation Issues

If you have an email set up as an automation, this means your email should be sent to a contact based on their action on your website, app, or other source. An issue with your automated emails are similar to those of autoresponders. Let’s quickly go over these email error messages you may see in your TruVISIBILITY account. 


This is also a technical issue for automations, which require you to contact technical support and submit a ticket for personalized support with your account.

Invalid Contact

If you see an invalid contact, it means this contact’s information has been deleted. It should not cause any issue with automations sending to other contacts, so there is no need to take further action.

Bad Status

If an automation or contact has a bad status, this means the contact has changed its own status to unavailable for receiving automated messages. This could be due to unsubscribing. 


Since this contact wishes to no longer receive messages, you cannot take any further action.

Invalid Account

It’s possible an account no longer exists because it was deleted. Since you cannot send to an invalid account, no action needs to take place.

Low Balance

This status can be easily remedied if you show a $0 or negative balance. No emails will send in this case. To fix this issue, add a balance to satisfy the amount of emails you wish to send.

Sending Blocked

For autoresponders, you may see that sending from your account has been paused. If this does show up, please refer to  Why Has My Account Been Paused to discover possible solutions. Oftentimes, you can delete hard-bouncing contacts.

Over Emails Limit 

You have a quota of emails you can send per period. Each period and email amount depends on the balance in your account. 


If the email quota has been reached or expired for the period, simply wait until the next period to resend this email.


Poor Quality

A contact may have poor quality if the contact is not verified by kickbox or the quality of the contact falls below 0.2.


Simply exclude this contact from your contact list. You may keep the contact if they agree to receive SMS messaging, but do not send autoresponders to this contact.

Invalid Sender

The sender, or your address, is not valid. To fix this, you will have to fix any issue with your sending address. You can refer to technical support for further assistance on our support page

What’s Next?

We hope you find this guide helpful in learning why your emails have low delivery rates. By following the steps provided, you should be able to easily fix or prevent low sending and open rates. Our support page is always there for extra guidance. We offer quick, personalized attention to any issue, whether they are technical or not, with our Submit a Ticket option.




Just remember to check any problems you may have with invalid contacts or payment issues with your TruVISIBILITY account. By staying on top of these basic Messaging necessities, your emails will reach your target audience in no time.


To learn more about obstacles in sending emails, check out our articles Why Has My Campaign Been Suspended and What is Rate Quality in Messaging.