How to Create Irresistible Emails to Drive Up Engagement

These tips will help in improving email engagement, which is the success of email marketing campaigns that result in more leads, customers, and sales.

Kate Neuer
July 28, 2023

The success of email marketing campaigns and overall engagement largely depends on recipients' interactions with those emails. To maximize email engagement, businesses need to implement effective strategies that capture recipients' attention, encourage interactions, and drive desired actions. 


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How Do You Improve Email Engagement?


Let’s explore practical approaches for improving email engagement, from crafting compelling subject lines to personalization techniques and leveraging automation. By implementing these strategies, businesses can enhance their email marketing efforts and foster stronger connections with their target audience.

Craft Irresistible Subject Lines


The subject line is the gateway to your email's content. To grab recipients' attention, it must be engaging, intriguing, and relevant. Consider the following tips to improve your subject lines:

Personalization - Use recipient's name or other personalized elements to make the subject line more appealing and relevant to the individual.
Curiosity and urgency - Employ language that sparks curiosity or creates a sense of urgency, motivating recipients to open the email promptly.
Clear and concise - Keep subject lines concise and straightforward, ensuring recipients understand the email's purpose at a glance.

TruVISIBILITY has many many templates to choose from, all of which have examples of great subject lines, headers, and subheaders to help you craft that eye-catching email.


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Segment Your Email List


Segmentation allows you to divide your email list into distinct groups based on specific criteria, such as demographics, purchase history, or engagement level. By tailoring your messages to each segment's interests and preferences, you can significantly boost engagement. Consider the following segmentation strategies:

Demographics - Divide your audience based on age, location, gender, or other relevant factors to create targeted campaigns that resonate with each group.
Purchase history - Segment customers based on their past purchases or browsing behavior, allowing you to send personalized recommendations or exclusive offers.
Engagement level - Identify inactive subscribers or those who consistently engage with your emails, then tailor campaigns to re-engage inactive contacts and reward those who often engage.

Personalize Content and Offers


Personalization is a crucial element in modern marketing. By delivering content and offers that are relevant and tailored to the individual recipient, businesses can drive higher engagement rates. Consider the following strategies to personalize your email content:

Dynamic content - Utilize dynamic content blocks that adapt based on recipients' preferences, previous purchases, or other data points, providing a personalized experience.
Behavioral triggers - Set up automated campaigns triggered by specific recipient actions, such as abandoned cart reminders or follow-up emails after a purchase.
Recommended products or services - Leverage personalized recommendations based on recipients' browsing or purchase history, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


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Photo Credit: Home Chef

Optimize Email Design for Mobile Devices


With the majority of emails being opened on mobile devices, it is crucial to ensure that your email design is mobile-friendly. Consider the following design best practices:

Responsive design - Use responsive templates that adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing experiences on mobile devices.
Clear and concise layout - Keep the email visually appealing and easy to navigate by using concise and scannable sections with clear headings and bullet points.
Large, clickable buttons - Make it easy for mobile users to interact with your email by using large, well-spaced buttons that are easy to tap on small screens.

Leverage Automation and Behavioral Triggers


Automation allows businesses to send timely emails based on recipient behavior. By fully utilizing automation and behavioral triggers, you can improve engagement and enhance the customer journey. Consider the following automation strategies:

Welcome series - Set up an automated series of emails to welcome new subscribers and provide valuable information about your business or products/services.
Abandoned cart reminders - Send automated emails to users who abandon their carts, reminding them of the items they left behind and potentially offering an incentive to complete the purchase.
Post-purchase follow-ups - Automate emails to thank customers for their purchase, request reviews or feedback, and provide recommendations for related products or services.

The example below was sent to a recipient who had recently shopped at CVS and has coupons available on their CVS card.


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Photo Credit: CVS

The Messaging App that Does the Work for You

Want the right email marketing application with the tools to help increase your audience engagement? Surprisingly, the more you spend doesn’t necessarily equal better engagement. TruVISIBILITY’s affordable Messaging app does what other email platforms do and more. All for far less than platforms like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign… because you can use TruVISIBILITY’s app for free.

TruVISIBILITY’s email platform keeps your contacts’ information and business account information secure, following all legal email regulations. Other benefits to using Messaging include:

  • A wide variety of templates to use, each specifically designed for high-conversion rates
  • The ability to fully design an email blast, such as adding logos, other images, colors, text fonts, widget placement, etc.
  • A chance to customize your pricing based on how many emails you want to send each month
  • Automating emails to contacts based on triggers you can create and set, such as automatic shipping notification emails
  • Personalizing each email faster for each of your contacts
  • Integrate other apps with your email campaigns, such as your website or chatbots


You can also easily place social channel buttons on each email so contacts can follow your business on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Businesses of all sizes can also place CTA buttons in their emails to convert more leads. There’s so much more to explore with TruVISIBILITY’s Messaging app, which allows you to craft campaigns for free today.


See Pricing Options for All Business Sizes



After learning how to improve your email engagement through personalizing content, giving offers, fully utilizing automation and more, your business should now feel more prepared to send campaigns that will keep your audience engaged.

By continuing to update your email campaigns with new personalization, content, and images, you can keep your audience interested and convert them into customers. All it takes is the right message, branding, and offer to attract and retain attention.

To learn more about creating email campaigns, check out this support article to act as a guide on getting started with your email marketing.